Ubicacion de la celula muscular

Immunofluorescence studies on cryotome sectins of chick embryo hearts and myocardiocyte cultures showed that a-actinin expression was weak in early stages Hamburger Hamilton stage 18 , staining the cellular membrane of myocardiocytes. A diffuse label for citoplasmic compartment was observed in these stages. We found in Hamburger Hamilton stage 29, an intense label for the ventricular myocardium coinciding with the presence of a -actinin along the myocardiocyte myofibrills.

Analysis of the Hamburger Hamilton stage 36 showed an increase in the a-actinin expression but without changes in their immunolocalization. The expression pattern of a-actinin during the cardiac development indicated that this protein is a good marker to the degree of myogenic differentiation, the importance of the 29 HH stage to the morphofuntional maturation of myocardiocytes and, the differential expression on the atrial and ventricular myocardium. Cytoskeleton; 3. Cardiac development 4. Chick embryo.

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Atlas de histología vegetal y animal

Tetralogy of Fallot produced in chick embryos by mechanical interference with cardiogenesis. Effects of fibric acid derivates on actin accumulation in myocardiocytes. Substructure of cytoplasmic dense bodies and changes in distribution of desmin and alpha-actinin in developing smooth muscle cells. Cytoskeleton, 29 , Culture of atrial and ventricular cardiac muscle cells from the adult squirrel monkey Saimiri sciureus. Cell Res. The effect of erythropoietin on haem synthesis in mouse yolk sac and cultured foetal liver cells. Alpha-actinin in the electric organs of Electrophorus electricu L.

CR Acad. III , Isolation of brain a -actinin. Its characterization and a comparison of its properties with those of muscle a -actinins.

Tejidos, órganos y sistemas de órganos (artículo) | Khan Academy

Biochemistry, 23 , Tokyo , 58 , Regulation of vimentin expression during myogenesis. In: Kedes, L. Cellular and Molecular Biololgy of Muscle Development. New York, Alan R. Liss, Differentiation-related patterns of expression of proteins of intermediate-sized filaments in tissues and cultured cells. Spring Harbor Symp. Expression of epidermal growth factor receptor in chick embryo myocardiocytes: relation with desmin expression during cardiac development. Microfilament-organizing centers in areas of cytoskeletal cell contact.

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Aula 15 - Contração Muscular

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Existen tres tipos de fibras musculares que se diferencian por su coloración, su metabolismo y sus propiedades funcionales: Fibras tipo I fibras rojas : son fibras de aspecto rojizo por su riqueza en mioglobina importante para el transporte de oxígeno dentro de la célula muscular y se caracterizan por ser de contracción lenta , desarrollar poca fuerza y ser muy resistentes a la fatiga.

Fibras tipo IIa fibras mixtas : son fibras de aspecto y propiedades intermedias entre las otras dos. Publicado por: Fisiosaludable. Los ocho huesos del carpo. Escala de Borg. Tratamiento de elección en la disfunción temporomandibular DTM.